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Primitive types

There are five primitive data types in JavaScript:

  • Number
  • String
  • Boolean
  • Undefined
  • Null


In JavaScript the number type includes both integer and floating-point value.


var number1 = 35; // Written without decimal
var number2 = 35.0; // Written with decimal
var number3 = 3.14; // Written with decimal


A string is set of character enclosed inside single or double quotes.


var string1 = "Hello world"; // Inside double quotes
var string2 = "This is a string"; // Inside single quotes
var string3 = 'This is "JavaScript"'; // Double quotes inside single quotes
var string4 = "This is 'JavaScript'"; // single quotes inside double quotes
var string5 = ""; // An empty string has both value and type, where value is ""


Boolean has true and false values.


var x = 5;
var y = 10;

if (x == y) {
// Checks true or false
console.log("True"); // If true
} else {
console.log("False"); // If false

Booleans are mainly used for conditional testing.

Undefined and Null

A variable without any value assigned or value do not exist, then it's type will be undefined. In null type, the value of a variable is set to be null.

Work out

var car; // Value and type are undefined
console.log(car); // Expected output: undefined
console.log(typeof car); // Expected output: undefined

// Any variable can be set to a type undefined by
var x = 5; // x is assigned with a value of 5, so x data type is number
console.log(x); // Expected output: 5
var x = undefined; // x is re-assigned with a value of undefined, so x data type is undefined
console.log(x); // Expected output: undefined

// Any variable can be set to a type null by
var y = 9; // y is assigned with a value of 9
console.log(y); // Expected output: 9
var y = null; // y is re-assigned with a value of null
console.log(y); // Expected output: null


// When using == and ===
var x;
var y = null;
if (x == y) {
// using ==
console.log(" x equal to y");
} else {
console.log(" x not equal to y");
// Expected output: x equal to y
if (x === y) {
// using ===
console.log(" x equal to y");
} else {
console.log(" x not equal to y");
// Expected output: x not equal to y

The == operator evaluate the value only, on this aspect the null and undefined are equal. But while using the === operator, it will evaluate the value and data type. We know that null and undefined are different data types. On this aspect they are not equal.



In JavaScript typeof operator returns the type of a variable.

var x = 5;
console.log(typeof x);
// expected output: number